
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Canon 15

See, as the drops fallen from a tree,
how much canon I could write for thee?
Piece by piece with my wrist,
till the end and out of speech.

Abandon your rake and have a kip,
it goes wrong, lost and where to meet?
Through experience I learn how to live,
little by little that takes and forgives.

Keep in pace to retrench the poor,
knowing that it shouldn't be so cruel,
yet the repertoire I know should be retouched,
instead of making more mistake and failure task.

Every notes that I remember,
like what it expressed so simple.
As the sun drops from the hill,
and the moon lingers for you.
What a waste would be your guilt?

Like a sound whizzed past my ears,
I heard it whizzed so clear.
Don't interfere if you can't remember,
the fact that ruins your future!

Visit me. It doesn't matter if you're busy.
I'll be waiting and keep writting anyway.
If you are veering along the way,
let me know, I'd then make my rhythm slow.

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